Advanced editors

QuickShow has everything you need for quality laser shows. The advanced editors let you create complex laser graphics, that go beyond the QuickTools. These are similar to the editors in Pangolin's Lasershow Designer 2000, the best-selling professional-level software. However, we have updated and simplified these as far as possible, to make them easier to use for new and part-time laserists.

Click on the bars below to learn more about QuickShow's advanced editors.

Laser Frame/Animation editor

The Frame and Animation editor is a full-featured 2D graphics editor. It works similar to a paint program, but has special controls and optimized output for laser graphics.

Drawing tools (left side, in green) include: Dot, Square, Line, Circle/Oval, Polygon, Text, Paintbrush, Paint Roller, Position, Rotate, Resize, Skew, Select Point, Select Area, Add Points, and Delete Points.

The Frame and Animation editor also includes animation tools. For example, you can set a start and end frame, and have the system create the in-between (morph) frames for you.

Each animated cue can be one of three types: refresh-based, time-based or beat-based. Each type is best for certain styles of animating. This is an example of how QuickShow, while simple to use, gives you access to advanced settings that are essential for making high-quality shows.

Laser Frame and Animation editor screen

Advanced Text editor

The Advanced Text editor goes beyond QuickText, to give you complete control over letterspacing, linespacing, text proportion and other aspects of text.

Use this to create both static text (single images) and animated & scrolling text.

Effects can be applied to the entire word/phrase or to each character individually. Using the "Character effect" tab's controls, it's easy to make text that automatically waves and moves to the beat of the music. For example, each letter in sequence could grow in size and rotate as it flies into its final position in the word.

Advanced Text editor screen

Advanced Abstract editor

One of the most crowd-pleasing laser effects is abstract images. The very first laser shows in planetariums, around 1974, used analog-created abstracts to bring the viewer into another world of shape and color.

QuickShow's Advanced Abstract editor lets you create digital abstracts that are repeatable and editable. It works like the QuickShape tool, with the ability to add more layers and effects. To use it, select a base shape and then add additional oscillators, modulators and effects to get harmonious phasing and pulsating. Colors, too, can be modulated.

The Advanced Abstract editor literally has limitless combinations.

Advanced Abstract editor screen

Advanced Clock editor

For New Year's Eve, a clock is essential. Even for nightly shows, a laser-projected clock is impressive and useful ("10 minutes until last call").

With the Advanced Clock editor, you can create just about any type of clock or countdown you need. Both digital and analog clocks are included.

Advanced Clock editor screen